How SMS Makes You Money

The Safety Management System (SMS) is a tool for both airlines and airports to make money. It’s a tool for the few reasons that SMS is Project Planning, Quality Assurance and Oversight. When SMS was first required by the regulations in Canada, operators were spending ½ - 1 mill dollars to implement. A medium size operator could spend ¾ mill even before phase four had started. This trend continued after SMS was fully implemented, since the operators had been given wrong advice by the regulator how to run the SMS. With help from the regulator micromanaging the SMS, SMS became a mess and a place where no one wanted to be. At the end, operators succumb to the pressure with only one goal in mind to enter a checkmark to whatever checkbox they had to do to for the regulator to accept their operations.

SMS tools comes in all sizes, shapes and forms.
By now both airlines and airports have operated with an SMS for several years. SMS is running down the same old road where the regulator had guided them. For SMS to be successful, fundamental changes must be implemented by certificate holders. SMS is a money-maker when run correctly. Several non-aviation operations are applying the principles of SMS with Strategy Solutions, Project Management, Quality Leadership and third-party Audits to ensure they have processes in place that conform to regulatory requirements and customer’s expectations.

The first step to overcome the fear of  SMS and for SMS to become a cash generator is for airlines and airports to determine exactly what they want from the SMS. They must also determine the cost they are willing to pay. An operator must establish what their values are and write down as goals their three most important values. Operators must also decide what they would do with their airline or airport if they could not fail. Fear of failure is the one singe reason why human nature reject changes. Within an SMS the task becomes to do the work that is most important to the customers, operations and personal satisfaction. If a goal is not established, there is no satisfaction in the work done. This is not only true for the Accountable Executive, but also for the grassroot workers at the airport or airline.

Goal achievement is to push to the limits without overstepping the boundaries.
Moving forward, airlines and airports must identify what they always wanted to do but have been afraid to attempt. If they could make a significant change to their operations, identify what this would be. The success of SMS is also tied to personal success, in the same way as success in business is tied to personal goals. The goals both airlines and airport operators must define are their personal goals, family, business, financial, education, health and social goals. When they set their goals, they must be set without virtual limitations, or restrictions. Remember, goals are what to work towards and not to be confused with failure if not achieved. The timeline for a goal may be pushed back or moved forward to be accomplished. Unless the steps of goals are achievable goals, they are not worth spending time on. Goals are also not the same as wishes. A wish is a commitment to do nothing. Establish three real goals, as opposed to virtual goals, or possible goals, in each one of your objective categories. Work every day to move closer to reach one single goal. If the work today doesn’t take you closer to your goal, don’t do it. If you want to travel to Rome, don’t buy a return ticket to the South Pole.

I have seen airlines and airports setting their priority goal to be safe. When asked, they do not have an answer to what it is to be safe, except that they don’t want any accidents. This is a wonderful wish, since none of us wants accidents. However, being safe cannot be a goal. It’s only a wish and wishes are not reality but fantasy. Describe the details of your goals and each small step how to reach it, including timelines. List the obstacles that stand between you and your goals. List the knowledge and skills required to comprehend the Safety Management System. Until you comprehend the SMS, goals become irrelevant since you would not comprehend the effects that goals have on your SMS. At the end, make a list of everything you can think of that you will have to do to achieve your goals.

SMS is goal-setting and achievements. Goals achievements are from within and not established by external forces. A confident Accountable Executive, who has a detailed goal planner, project planning and quality leadership cannot fail the SMS and safety will prosper within the Enterprise. SMS becomes a money-maker relevant to the success of the goals achieved by the Accountable Executive.



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