Take SMS With You On The Road
A Safety Management System (SMS) is to take with you on the road, where action to safety is the focus point. SMS is not a tabletop exercise to conform to regulatory requirements, but a hands-on exercise to conform to safe operations. It might be tempting to leave SMS back at the office with the stack of may other regulatory requirement for any operation. This could be as air operator, transportation operator or just as simple as a private vehicle operator. What counts for safety is how operations are managed with processes, or how things are done. Regulatory compliance keeps you floating, while safety management keeps you flying. History of safety records is not guarantee of a future high safety rating. Changes in processes are at times minor and almost not noticeable, but accumulative with several minor unnoticeable process changes over time. Without process monitoring there is no way to discover issues which could lead to incidents. When the regulatory compliant SMS...