The Shelves Are Stacked With Manuals

The shelves are stacked with manuals of different kinds and at times collecting more dust than fingerprints. A common purpose of manuals are to serve as a memory bank, a place to find information or as triggers of operational procedures and processes. Just as when purchasing a vehicle, the operator's manual is there for information and should guide to processes and trigger procedures.

Another purpose is that a manual is required for the issuance of a certificate. These types of manuals are the test, or in other words the bar required to pass for issuance of a certificate. This could be an airport certificate, air-operator certificate or other transportation licenses or certificates. Issuance of a license or certificate to an entity or business requires a manual to document regulatory levels. Obviously, the manual is reviewed as test for compliance, just like a person is tested for a pilot license or vehicle operator license. When AOK the license or certificate is issued.
Organizational accountability is not sitting on the fence watching, but an assessment of threats.
There is a saying that the integrity of a person is not measured by a statements, but by results. Operations manuals are the bar to which results an organization is to be measured by and the goal to reach this bar begins at the moment the certificate or license is issued.

Other manuals may be linked to organizational regulatory conformance. When a manual is approved with the issuance of a certificate it is an approval of  applicable regulatory levels at that moment in time. It is an obligation of the operator to discover changes and to maintain regularly compliance in operations.

When a change has been made an organizational review determine applicability.
When contents of controlled manuals are changed, these changes are reviewed by the enterprise for conformance to regulatory requirements and approved in accordance with documented roles and responsibilities. Other reviews may be of process effectiveness, personnel suitability and best practices.

Manuals are tools of documentation for what is required by regulations to obtain a certificate or license, tools to establish processes to configure operational conformance and as a tools when conducting quality assurance of the enterprise.



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