Seven Core SMS Principles

A safety management system (SMS) is not about what to restrict, how to restrict, or what to eliminate from operations, but what can be added to operations for a successful business venture. SMS is an adaptable system which adapts to both written and unwritten processes. Adapting processes are also called drift or deviations. When a process adapts, the process might need to get back on track for compliance with the process text in the SMS manual, or the SMS manual text might need to get back on track for compliance with the practical application of the process. Rigid processes may not produce desired outcome and human behavior is to adapt to practical processes as viewed by frontline workers. Adaptability is the capacity to be modified for a new use or purpose. Adaptability is resilience, flexibility, versatility, and adjustability. Adaptability is not to waver, but it is to stay focused on the goal when special cause variations interrupts. Just as a lion keeps its eyes on the goal...