SMS Checklist

Every aviation system tasks come with one or more checklists attached, except for the safety management system (SMS). Manufacturing aircraft comes with checklists, operating an aircraft comes with checklists, designing an aerodrome comes with checklists, conducting an audit come with checklists, and applying for an airport certificate comes with checklists, but there are no checklists requirements to operate a safety management system. There are several justifications for the use of checklists to operate one or multiple systems. A computer completes a checklist when starting up, and another checklist when shutting down, an autopilot performs checklist tasks prior to engage, and artificial intelligence performs compatibility checks prior to engagement. A baker uses a checklist in the form of recipes, and a clothing manufactures uses checklists in form of patterns. When completing trivial tasks such as opening a hangar door there are three tasks, open, stop and close, or when doing ...