How to Capture Unknown Hazards

There is a difference between an unknown hazard and a hidden hazard. Unknown hazards are unknown, but they are not hidden. An unknown hazard is a hazard without a hazard classification, it is a hazard defined by likelihood where times between intervals are imaginary, theoretical, virtual, or fictional. Unknown hazards are incomprehensible to common sense but are still real hazards. An unknown hazard is in the open and in plain view but is not recognized as a hazard for the purpose of an immediate task to be performed. Unknown hazards also need to be assigned a scope and sequence to learn their whereabouts. A person may be exposed to unknown hazards without knowing it. Exposure to an unknown hazard is a higher risk to aviation safety than exposure to known and hidden hazards since they are unknown and cannot be mitigated. Hidden hazards are known, but they are hidden and may become visible, or active, if triggered by human factors, organizational factors, supervision factors,...