This month is nine years ago since I wrote the first post, and 235 posts later there is no end of writing Safety Management System (SMS) stories. An SMS is a tremendous system, and asset to an enterprise, when applied as an oversight tool but can also its worst enemy when applied as a compliance tool. A high compliance score is often associated with safety in operations and if decisions are solely based on a compliance score, there is a risk to overlook, or assume, the inherent risks in aviation. An inherent risk is also a common cause variation. On the other hand, when SMS is applied as an oversight tool, it is applied to the outcome or results with an analysis of occurrences, or special cause variation. A line in one of the first posts is still true, that one grassroot method to evaluate the effectiveness of an SMS is to learn how many hazard reports an AE has submitted. In an enterprise where the AE is actively submitting hazard reports, there is a hope that other personnel also vol...