Diversity in Aviation

Now and then, there are newspaper articles and news stories about diversity in aviation and discussions if diversity would improve safety or not. Some of the arguments against diversity is that the captain of the aircraft should be the best and diversity should not be considered. At the other end, the argument for diversity is that a diverse team stay stronger against bullies, or the one with the best vocabulary who wins the deal. The news media portrays these opinions as opposite ends of a spectrum from safe to unsafe. Sometimes discussions are in favor of diversity, while other times diversity is unsafe. No matter who wants to be the safest candidate, both sides are using the safety card. The only reason to play the safety card is that there is no data to support their statements. Everyone falls for the safety card and becomes paralyzed in a discussion against safety. The answer to diversity is not if it is safe or not, but to answer the question of what personal qualities a successf...