Evolution of the Safety Management System

The Safety Management System has always been integrated with aviation in one way or another since the first flight of 1903. At that time, safety was reactive and based on data and comprehension of the systems. As flying became more popular, more airplanes were built, and with more innovative uses of this new machine accidents happened. In the beginning flying was compared to birds and since the birds seems to do OK, a person should not have any issues or accidents. Over time that theory did not support data collected, A hazard is in the eyes of the beholder. since accidents happened. One step to eliminate accidents was to require that a pilot was trained and held a pilot license. Today, it would be ridiculous to accept a pilot without a license. However, it was not long ago when it was discovered that a person had flown for a major airline for several years without a license. As a flight instructor several years ago, a pilot, who had flown for years came and asked me if it was time for...