When Probability and Possibility Becomes Interchangeable

A goal without a plan is just a fantasy of random achievements. When probability and possibility become interchangeable is when an enterprise has developed an SMS theme with elements of failures. There is an ongoing SMS theme question that an enterprise, being an airline or airport must be able to answer to allow for operations to operate within the intent of the SMS. Without comprehending the basic “Why” of SMS, the foundation for an enterprise to actively achieve safety-improvement goals is not established. An enterprise without an active goal achievement plan is an open door for goal-wishes and random goal achievement without directions. The basic SMS question is “ Why does the Global Aviation Industry, being Airlines or Airports, need a Safety Management System (SMS) today, when they were safe yesterday without an SMS? ” When approaching SMS as safety only, there is a biased view of the question which restricts the comprehension of the answer. The answer is not in safety, but in th...