Santa’s Business Approach To SMS

Some years ago, Santa started his Streamlined Mission Service, or SMS as a businesslike approach for the safe delivery of gifts around the world. Since everyone around the globe celebrates Christmas on the same day, Santa has only 24 hours to deliver to every home and every child on all world’s continents. Over the years he experienced rooftop landing incidents and chimney-stuck approaches. Most of the incidents were caused by faulty sleigh equipment, while other were cause by the reindeers. In addition, and especially after an extremely exhausting day, the incidents were caused by Santa himself. Since 1776 Santa kept track of hourly incidents which was entered the incident into an SPC graph (Santa’s Professional Care). Santa had a feeling that the job could be done better, but until he applied SPC he didn’t have anything else but opinions to address issues. Unreported occurrences were unknown to Santa. When Santa implemented SMS some years ago, he discovered that the reindeer and hims...