Root Cause Analysis

When the root cause of an accident is determined to be that a pilot failed to act on something, whatever this failure might be, the root cause analysis becomes a simple task of making that statement. The root cause could be assigned by management or by the pilot and accepted by management in their root cause analysis. A pilot may state that: “I inadvertently failed to meet the pilot-in-command requirements for a tailwheel airplane…” or a statement of: “The failure of the pilot to maintain adequate clearance with the terrain during aerobatic maneuvering.” Other root cause human error failure could be that: “ The pilot failed to maintain clearance with a fuel truck and failed to request a marshaller and wingwalkers”. With any of these root cause statements accepted by management, the root cause analysis is completed, the file is closed and put on the shelf with comments of “ no further action required . “Assigning root cause of failure not to perform a specific task, or two, is acc...