
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Safety Card

The Safety Card is played when data does not support an opinion of a decision maker or when safety is not comprehended. The Safety Card is when safety becomes the driving force of operations without considering Residual Risk, which is the remaining risk level that exists after all selected risk control techniques have been implemented or without considering the Substitute Risk, which is the safety risk level that exists of new hazards identified by the introduction of a risk control. The Safety Card is played when safety is not defined, measured or when operational pressure is applied from a third party or social media. The Safety Card is effective when applied to one event only. After major aircraft accidents, there is a public outcry, and rightfully so, for airlines to improve safety.  The aviation authorities are scrambling to make new rules to protect the flying public and everyone is alleging that flying is safer than driving a vehicle. Ever since the first flight new rules an...

Risk Matrix Differently

Traditionally the risk matrix in aviation is a method to assess a safety risk level and a decision tool to reject or accept that risk level on its own merits. If the risk matrix is in the green area the risk is accepted and if the risk in the red area, it’s not accepted. When the risk matrix is in the yellow area, then something must be done to move the risk to an acceptable green level area. The risk matrix is applied to aircraft performance criteria or airport physical characteristics and the decision is a go or no-go decision. The traditional risk matrix does not guide the decision towards the next process, but ends the decision-making process by rejecting or accepting the risk. The decision-making tool of a risk matrix may be red, green and yellow, but the process itself is just black and white. A risk assessment is not always perfect. As the name suggests, the risk matrix is a tool to develop a vision of the risk level, based on certain established criteria. These criteria are gen...