The Fork In The Road Test

All roads lead to Rome and there are many different ways of reaching the same goal or objective. Finding the rootcause takes a road trip defining the turns and forks in the road. If travelling by air the course may take a detour by relying on the old ADF, or be more effective following a GPS course. There are several root cause analysis techniques and they all serve a purpose to improve safety and one rootcause model may be as effective, or ineffective as another. All rootcause analysis models are designed to establish at what time or location in the failed process a different approach could have made a different outcome. The 5-Why and fish bone rootcause analysis are widely accepted within the aviation industry and assumed to have established the correct rootcause. A risk assessment of substitute and residual risks is normally conducted after the rootcause analysis to identify if there are other or unexpected hazards by the implementation of proposed corrective action plan in the form...