Data Nucleus

For a moment, look at Data as a Nucleus where Data is the Atom and the Variables are Negative (electron) charges or Positive (proton) charges, creating Data Nucleus. The atom, or data, is constant, while electrons and protons are variables. If the number of protons and electrons are equal, that atom is electrically neutral, and variables in the processes are predictable within standard deviations. If an atom, or data, has more or fewer electrons than protons, then it has an overall negative or positive charge, respectively. Data is affected by variety of variables, with environmental and human factors as major contributors. Environmental and human factors are reliable unpredictable with only a short time-span when outcome is predictable. Environmental and human variables shapes data nucleus. When conducting a risk assessment based on collected data, and predicting the future based on that data, is like collecting locations of marbles when they are dropped, and then applying assump...