Non-Punitive Is Not To Accept Honest Mistakes

Some organizations believe that a non-punitive reporting policy is to accept honest mistakes. This is as far from the fact as it could be. A non-punitive reporting policy is to discover deficiencies within an organization. Any time a non-punitive report addresses an excuse for the process, it reflects a non-accountable safety management. No matter what is regulatory, safety still rests with the operator. There are no honest mistakes. Mistakes are due to rush, fatigue, inattentiveness, lack of skill, lack of knowledge, anything else, or just laziness. Mistakes are many things, but one thing they are not; is honest. If mistakes were honest, the operator, or contributor to the mistakes would know in advance that the processes or procedures applied intentionally would cause errors. Mistakes reflect on organizational management and not on individual errors. In an organization with none or few mistakes, the leadership have conveyed their message clearly, ensured appropriate training and...