Playing In The Sandbox

Statistical Process Control (SPC) of activates in the sandbox could be to examine responses with "yes" or "no" data, with only two possible outcomes; either rules are followed, and assessed as responsible, or rules are not followed and assessed as irresponsible. On the other hand, SPC could also be applied to count data and the numbers of defects, or data within the sandbox which are defects because of human behaviors. This does not mean in itself that the behavior is defective, or that it is a defective group, but just that this behavior did not conform to the group playing in the sandbox. It could be as simple as someone accepting accountability and taking on a leadership and management role within the sandbox, which was not prescribed as an expected responsibility. A floatplane is conforming to the rules of the sandbox, while an amphibian moved outside the box. When playing in the sand box, behaviors are monitored and defined by an electronic devise. The task oft...