Cycle Of A Process Is More Than Inputs And Outputs

The cycle of a process is more than to input data, turn this data inputs into actionable items and wait for results. A process itself might be simple, complex or beyond currently invented capabilities. It's an assumption that a process is only as good as the inputs, and if the input is trash, then trash becomes the output. At the other end of the spectrum it is assumed that good data produces desirable process results. If these assumptions are true accidents would happen consistently with incorrect inputs, and would never happen with correct inputs. The pilot of an airplane rolling down the runway for takeoff has already put in place inputs to the processes for a safe flight and to arrive safely at destination as planned. In a process with no variables, the output of a process would be in a Standard Atmospheric Condition. As a very young person, I would place my glass of milk at the edge of the table for easy reach. This did not fit the process for good input. So, the glass was m...