Santa, Rudolph And SMS

Over the years Santa Claus has successfully delivered Christmas gifts all over the world and without major incidents. Every year Rudolph the reindeer takes the lead and ensures kids gets their present. It is an amazing result. Of all places on earth, Santa Clause lives at the North Pole. A deserted place where no one else lives but Santa, his helpers and the reindeers. At the North Pole he gets just the minimum training in roof and chimney approaches, since there are no other homes at that place. Even though not known, he informally assists the Easter Bunny in an attempt to stay airborne-proficient for next Christmas delivery. So far, Santa hasn't had any major incidents. He got stuck in a chimney now and then and the reindeers stumbled as they landed on the rooftops. But the gifts were still delivered before days end, year in and year out. The deliveries did not always go as planned. However, with the increasingly Cyber competition Santa needed to find a niche to maintain his pos...