
When SMS is Flawed

A safety management system (SMS) is a system which paints a true image of airports and airline operators and does not fail, but when an SMS is abused, it becomes a flawed system because it is painting a precise view of an SMS enterprise. A flawed SMS is a misjustice to the SMS, since all what an SMS does is to paint a picture of an SMS enterprise. A flawed SMS is a flawed SMS enterprise.  A simple tool to recognize a flawed SMS is to analyze the ratio of special cause variations to daily quality control processes. An SMS with perfectly aligned datapoints is a flawed SMS. Every data point measured show some degree of variation, no matter how much we try to control variations. It is impossible to attain identical results for two each task of a process. Each result is different, even if the difference is microscopical. A microscopical variation is invisible or indistinguishable without the use of a microscope, or detailed process analysis. Variation may be defined as a numerical value use